Disclaimer to start with: the title of this blog is a bit of a misnomer. The reason for intentionally titling this blog incorrectly is to clarify and hopefully make readers/users understand why “BDD Unit Testing” is inherently contradictory. The term Unit Testing relates to test-driven development (TDD), which is different […]
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process in which the developer writes a test for a given function, then writes enough functional code just for the test scenarios to pass. Then, if required, the developer refactors the code to make the code better. Behavior-driven development (BDD) is an Agile […]
I am a huge fan of Toyota when it comes to process and lean manufacturing. They invented and brought in many of the lean production processes, which were then adopted by many other car manufacturing companies across the world. One of the key goals of the Toyota Production System (TPS) […]