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NoCodeBDD can also run on docker.


  1. If you are using AWS EC2 Linux, install Webmin (You can use the steps described here to install Webmin
  2. Install Docker (You can use the steps described here to install Docker)
  3. If you are running Docker in EC2, make sure the VM running in EC2 has access to all required ports i.e. EC2 10000(webmin), 56244(NoCodeBDD), 4444(Chrome docker), and 443(HTTPS)

Steps to Run NoCodeBDD in Docker running in EC2

  1. Create a folder called “NoCodeBDD” in EC2 under /opt
  2. Copy the following files to EC2 under /opt/NoCodeBDD
  1. In Webmin, under tools select command shell and run the following commands in that order:
docker build --no-cache -t nocodebdd:latest /opt/NoCodeBDD/

docker run --name nocodebdd -m 2048m -v /opt/NoCodeBDD/data:/data -v /opt/NoCodeBDD/logs:/logs -p 56244:56244 -d nocodebdd

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" -e JAVA_OPTS="" selenium/standalone-chrome:4.0.0-20211013

Both Chrome Docker and NoCodeBDD should have started now after running the above 3 commands. You can check this by running the command docker ps -a

  1. You should be able to access NoCodeBDD by going to http://Your_EC2_Public_IP:56244/#/ then go to Settings and click on “+ Remote Browser Config” and enter a value under “URL Name” and in URL enter the following http://Your-EC2-Public-IP:4444/wd/hub
  2. Now NoCodeBDD should be running under http://Your_EC2_Public_IP:56244/#/
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